Thomas Broderick - Founder


It’s Monday morning. It’s a Me Day. And it’s also 14 days since my second Pfizer vaccine.


I’m not sure how I feel right now. Optimistic but still anxious, I guess. I don’t know if there’s any better way to put it. COVID-19 isn’t over by a long shot in most parts of the world. There’s still unimaginable pain and suffering in India and other nations. But, still, today is a good day.

I think what sets today apart from other good days is that today reaffirms life in the face of so much death. It’s a day when I can take my first steps back toward normalcy. Today’s a second chance.

And, yes, this feeling may unravel spectacularly if some nasty COVID-19 variant or other plague pops up in the next few weeks/months. For this reason, we all need to keep wearing masks, at least for the time being.

But, right now, today’s a moment to feel joy. Today isn’t my birthday, but that’s what it feels like.

Happy birthday to me. :)