Thomas Broderick - Founder

My Trunk Stories

Investing a lot of time in a story, and then seeing that story go into the trunk, is always frustrating. I have about a dozen stories in my trunk right now. I hoped all of them would see the light of day, yet only rejection came.

The longest story I've ever written also happens to be one of my trunk stories. I worked on it for over a year, but then one rejection slip informed me why it was unlikely that anyone would buy it:

"It's too much like The Americans."

I had unknowingly ripped off a popular show on FX. Whoops. You know, I bet the shows' writers and I got our inspiration from the same video on YouTube:

So maybe I'll send my story out again in a couple of years, when the TV connection might not be as apparent.

But the other stories will stay in my trunk. They're happy there, because I'm the only one who gets to read them. :)